Performance MetricsNE/Ware AdVantage

Performance reports provide information on how many viewers watched your video advertisments. 


Performance Views Report


NE/Ware supplies performance reporting to our customers showng how many viewers watched the advertisment. Impressions are the first 5 seconds of the video, if the viewer chooses to opt out of watching by clicking Skip Ad, this registers as an impression and the advertiser is not charged for the view. Impressions play an important roll in branding and we recommend that the first 5 seconds of the video captures the viewers attention, displays who you are, what you do and how to contact your company.


Gender Demographics

In terms of media queries, the breakdown is:



Performance Age Demographic


NE/Ware reports show how many views of your ad were seen grouped by age bracket. This is an important element of the marketing research which provides valuable information about your viewing audience. Often times our customers are surprised by the actual age group of their viewers, it may not always be what is expected.



Powered by RokNavMenu

For mobile devices, there are two options, a dropdown panel menu with items in a tree format or a select box using the browsers own UI elements. Chose a format in the menu settings.

The Dropdown Menu is a CSS driven dropdown menu, offering such features as multiple columns, inline icons, subtext, modules and positions, custom column widths, item distribution and menu offsets.

SplitMenu displays 1st level items in the navigation bar and children in the Sidebar.